Want to Learn to Dance Argentine Tango?

Beginners’ and Intermediates’ Classes on Thursdays in Autumn 2024
at Martlesham Community Hall
Beginners’: Doors Open 6.30pm, Classes Start 7.00pm;
Intermediates’ from 8.00pm

Classes will be held on:

  • Sep 12, 19, 26
  • Oct 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31
  • Nov 7, 14, 21, 28

We will also have an end of term Milonga with live music on Dec 5.

Don’t forget to join our mailing lists/ Facebook group for up to the minute information.

Beginners’ Classes

These will start on Thursday, 12th September, 6.30-8.00pm at the Martlesham Community Hall, Old Felixstowe Rd, Martlesham, IP12 4PB.

The fee for each lesson will be £7, payable on the day, and this will entitle class members to stay to watch, or join in, with the Intermediates’ Class/Practice Session which follows. This will be an opportunity to meet, chat and dance with the local Tango Community.

Please bring any drinks that you might need.

It’s not essential to come with a partner, but nice if you can.

If you have any questions or would like to register your interest, please contact Julia by email.

Please note that we are not able to offer places for those under 18 years of age.

Intermediates’ Classes

These classes will also commence on Thursday, 12th September at the Martlesham Community Hall, Old Felixstowe Rd, Martlesham, IP12 4PB.

Each class will start with registration and warm-up at 8.00 followed by a class and guided practica, until 10.30pm. Th classes are suitable for dancers who feel comfortable with the basics of Tango and are ready to spice up their dancing with musicality, improvisation and the playful and decorative elements of this lovely dance.

The fee for the whole evening will be £7, payable by cash or card on the day.

Come early to the beginners’ class if you want a little extra practice, revision and/or to help our new students!

Please bring any drinks that you might need.

It’s not essential to come with a partner, but nice if you can.

Please note that we are not able to offer places for those under 18 years of age.

Both classes will be held at Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Rd, Martlesham, IP12 4PB

David and Julia

Argentine Tango exists in many forms from the show tango of Strictly to the more gentle social dance done in the milongas of Buenos Aires and around the world. We teach the social dance, which can evolve towards something more ‘showy’ as you become more skilled and experienced. To give you an example of the social dance this video shows one of our very popular guest teachers, Gabriela Fernandez from Buenos Aires doing an improvised (not choreographed) demonstration to a group of her students in France. Double click on the video to go full screen.

Here are some views about why Argentine tango is so special (it’s in English after the first 60 seconds). Double click on the video to go full screen.

Register Interest in Future Beginner’s Courses

Want to learn Argentine tango but we are currently not running a suitable course or perhaps the dates are not convenient for you? Then please register using the form opposite and we will email you about future courses as and when they become available.