Here are some interesting videos showing tango. Click on the ‘play’ symbol then on the square  symbol in the bottom right if you wish to view it full screen.  Below them are some notes from the lesson as an aide memoir.

Useful Videos

  1. A Commentary on Tango

View this 4-minute video about tango. The video starts in Spanish but is in English after the first 60 seconds.

2. Just having fun in the street to tango music

This shows a young girl spontaneously acting out what she hears in the music – this is dancing!  Be sure to watch it to the end!

3. The passion of the music

This video shows Juan D’Arienzo, an orchestra leader known as the ‘Rey de Compass’ (King of the Beat). His conducting in the golden age of tango demonstrates his passion and energy for the music. The girl in the previous video paid homage to the Master – D’Arienzo by copying his energetic conducting style (at 2mins 15 secs – have another look at it).

4. Walking:

Almost every step in tango is made up of 3 elements (leader invites, lady accepts, both commit) this is clearly evident in this video especially in the first 15 seconds during their walk. He invites with his body, she accepts by projecting her foot back, he then steps into the space she has vacated and commits them both to the full length of the stride. Note the clear delay between her projecting her foot back and him stepping forward. This is worth practising so that it becomes second nature.

5. Ladies’ walk:

This video is progressive so watch until the end otherwise you will only have half the story.

6. Posture and movement

Watch this video of the 2 world champions and look for the following:

  • The care they take over taking the embrace
  • the lady’s straight back step and elegant footwork always bringing her heels together as they pass one another.
  • the strength and boldness of the man’s stride, and also how he keeps his heels together whenever he closes his step.
  • They are world champions but in this social setting (a milonga) they are doing small elegant and musical steps, not their big dramatic showdance.

7. Interpreting the music and balance

Here is a video by Homer and Cristina showing some very advanced steps based upon paradas (stops and blocks) as part of a class that they had just given.  Notice how they manage to capture the feeling of the music in the way it which they step, gliding into a step when the music is prolonged, arriving sharply when the music is staccato.  Notice also that, although he is constantly blocking her feet and she is entwined in and around his body, that they never push one another off balance – this takes a lot of practice! They frequently visit the UK and run workshops in Cambridge.  It is a joy to attend their classes.  You can skip the first 1 minute 40 seconds of the video as it is just general announcements.

8. Interpreting the Music

Watch this video of a choreographed show tango to modern music (not a social tango).  Notice the way in which the dancers alternate between fast dramatic step sequences and slower sensitive movements depending upon the music.

9. Heels and Axis

Look at this video of Raquel Greenberg from Buenos Aires.  She is another of our visiting international teachers (in fact she was voted UK tango teacher of the year, and will be with us again next year). Notice how his heels keep coming together. Notice how she uses a flexed standing leg to maintain her balance and axis.

10. Tango for all ages and sizes

So far the videos have often shown young elegant people enjoying tango.  But tango is for all ages.  See video below – note the simplicity of the steps (no big leg flicks) and the musicality of the steps picking out the accents within the music. Such simple musical dances are an utter joy for the follower. This music is tango vals (waltz time).

Lesson Plans

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 10

Part 1

Warm-up exercises

Walk in 2 track.
Get into 4 Track while walking fwd (right foot to the outside).
Return to 2 track by walking forward (left foot to left foot) OR by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from fwd step.
(right foot fwd as tho’ going into 4 track but cross left foot behind).
Return to 2 track (by collecting and changing weight) OR by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the open side of the embrace.  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

This week we will
Start with close embrace walking in 2 and 4 track.
Walking skills
double time weight change
Then revisit
Giros with double time foot work


Close Embrace

Walking in close embrace (just walking and pausing).
Start with no arms
Half way through can use arms again.
Ojos Negros

Getting into 4 track
Protocol = invite, accompany and arrive together.
Ldr can now judge the width of their step.
Dissociation and the connection.
Noviecita Mia
Fumando Espero

Close embrace is less forgiving…..
4 track walking
Dissociation and counter rotation.
Milonguero Viejo

4 track walking back into 2 track (inside of left foot to inside of left foot)

Walking Skills

This year we’ll look at various ways to include double time into the walk.
Start with the traspie
Upper body does NOT rock
moves-pauses-moves again.

Feet – QQS rhythm
Step – drop – push.
In order to drop the back foot can move back a couple of inches.

Walk and include the traspie from time to time (both sides).

If struggling try a regular pattern.
Hotel Victoria
Milonga Sentimental

Double time weight change when collected.
When we change weight in the collected position in single time, we can arrive on axis and then change weight.
In double time there isn’t time to do this.
As we collect we MUST feel that the weight has to shifted to the other foot (in fact this has to be like a reflex action).

To get the idea stand on the right foot and lean to the left.  At some point the body’s reflex will be to put the left foot out to stop us falling).

Flwr’s hands on Ldr’s chest.
Practice slowly moving the axis during the mid step.
Slow pieces

Now try in open embrace.
If you are not getting the same info as before then check your embrace.
Slow pieces

Open embrace

From collected position.
Lead single step and either arrive on the left or right foot.
Chau Pinela

Now try while walking.

Part 2

Giros with double time foot work

Start with half turn on the open side of the embrace.

Need to lead the Flwr to do the DT on the back/side step.
Chau Pinela

Add a joining step.
Last year we did the Charlie Chaplin step but would now like to change this slightly (although a little more difficult)
Ldr = step in front with the left foot and pivot on the left foot.
Exit in 4-track (360).
De Que Podemos Hablar
Now after the joing step repeat the half turn (540).
Derrotado (slow)
Nido Gaucho
La Estancia (Tango)

It is not the job of the Ldr to pivot you.
The pivot must come from the torsion in your spine.
To do this you must keep your upper body facing towards your Ldr, who is the centre of your circle.

Make sure you pivot and then prep the next step
Avoid falling into the back step (keep the weight fwd and prep the back step as you would normally)

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 9

Part 1

Warm-up exercises

Walk in 2 track.
Get into 4 Track while walking fwd (right foot to the outside).
Return to 2 track by walking forward (left foot to left foot) OR by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from fwd step.
(right foot fwd as tho’ going into 4 track but cross left foot behind).
Return to 2 track (by collecting and making another weight changing) OR by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace (that we have been doing for the last couple of
weeks).  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

This week we will
Walking skills
– In and out of 3 track
– Traspie
Then look at
Double time foot work
Close Embrace

Walking Skills
In and out of 3 track
Usually do this from a side step but there are other ways….
Open embrace
Walk in 2 Track – Counter Rotation.
Ldr steps with RIGHT foot into 4 track but steps behind with left foot and makes a silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr).
Ldrs = this weight change should to be as silent as possible.  When crossing behind bring the feet side by side and lift the heel of the front foot.
Walk in 3 track on the open side of the embrace – No Counter rotation while in 3 track.
To get back into 2 track Ldr collects with the RIGHT leg and makes silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr).  Or they can cross right foot behind the left.

Exercise – walk in and out of 3 track by crossing behind – do in in single time.
Tormenta Di Sarli

Now try in double time
Chau Pinela

Can also start in 3 track by dissociating to the right when in collected position (Ldr steps fwd with RIGHT leg).

Walking Skills
This year we’ll look at various ways to include double time into the walk.
Start with the Traspie

Upper body does NOT rock back and forth  it moves fwd-pauses-then moves fwd again.
Feet – QQS rhythm
Step – drop – push.
In order to drop the back foot can move back a couple of inches.

Walk and include the Traspie from time to time (both sides).
If struggling try a regular pattern.
Hotel Victoria
Milonga Sentimental

Part 2

Giros with DT foot work

Start with half turn on the open side of the embrace.

Need to lead the Flwr to do the DT on the back/side step.
Chau Pinela

Add a joining step.
Last year we did the “Charlie Chaplin” step but would now like to change this slightly (although a little more difficult)
Ldr = step in front with the left foot and pivot on the left foot.
Exit in 4-track (360).

Now after the joining step repeat the half turn (540).
Flwrs = It is not the job of the Ldr to pivot you.  The pivot must come from the torsion in your spine.  To do this you must keep your upper body facing towards your Ldr, who is the centre of your circle.
Flwrs = Make sure you pivot and then prep the next step
Avoid falling into the back step (keep the weight fwd and prep the back step as you would normally)

Close Embrace

Side step to L
Ldr places inside of right foot against inside of Flwr’s right foot, so that feet form a “sandwich”.
Side step to R and  make a sandwich with the L foot.
Milonguero Viejo

Following on from Ex 11 the Ldr can lead a fwd step with more confidence, since Flwrs  foot will not be “in the way”.

However that does mean that the Ldr can just plough through the Flwr.
Same protocol – invite,accompany and arrive together.
Play with leading invitation (down and fwd) so that Flwr prep steps before Ldr steps fwd

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 8

Part 1
Warm-up exercises
Walk in 2 track.
Get into 4 Track while walking fwd (right foot to the outside).
Return to 2 track by walking forward (left foot to left foot) OR by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from fwd step.
(right foot fwd as tho’ going into 4 track but cross left foot behind).
Return to 2 track (by collecting and changing weight) OR by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace (that we have been doing for the last couple of weeks).  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

This week we will
Side step turn into 4 track – backwards in the line of dance.
Walking skills
– In and out of 3 track
Then look at
Close Embrace

Side step into half turn (into 4 track) so that Ldr exits walking backwards (so do this such that the backward step is in the line of dance).
There is no pivot on the left foot.  Ldr steps slight fwd and pivots 180 on their right foot.
IMPORTANT – small changes in the foot work make a big difference to the outcome of the move.
Ojos Negros

Return to 2 track still walking backwards in the line of dance.
As the Ldr steps back with their right foot remove dissociation and invite partner back into 2 track.
Flwr = left foot touches the inside of the Ldr’s left foot.
Nido Gaucho

On next step, Ldr turns to invite a side step but shifts his weight immediately back onto the right foot and pivots.
Flwr does side step and a pivot (half turn) so both end up in 3 track
Ldr pivots on their right foot but uses left foot to help them turn.
El Ingienero

Exit with the cross in three track

Part 2

Walking Skills
Getting In and out of 3 track
Usually do this from a side step but there are other ways….

Open embrace
Walk in 2 Track – Counter Rotation.
Ldr steps with RIGHT foot into 4 track but steps behind with the left foot and makes a silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr).
Ldr = Need this weight change to be as silent as possible.  When crossing behind bring the feet side by side and lift the heel of the front foot.
Walk in 3 track on the open side of the embrace – No Counter rotation while in 3 track.
To get back into 2 track the Ldr collects with the RIGHT leg and makes silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr)
Or Ldr can cross the right foot behind the left.
Tormenta Di Sarli

Can also start in 3 track by dissociating to the right when in collected position (Ldr steps fwd with RIGHT leg).

Correct Posture!!!
Revise Side step to L and R
Invite, accompany and arrive together
Vary the length of the side step.
De Que Podemos Hablar

Side step to L
Ldr places inside of right foot against inside of Flwr’s right foot, so that feet form a “sandwich”.
This type of “foot-play” is easier in Close Embrace and adds to the sense of intimacy.
Side step to R and  make a sandwich with the L foot.
Bahia Blanca

Following on from Ex 11 the Ldr can lead a fwd step with more confidence, since Flwr’s  foot will not be “in the way”.
However that does mean that the Ldr can just plough through the Flwr.
Same protocol – invite,accompany and arrive together.
Play with leading invitation (down and fwd) so that Flwr prep steps before Ldr steps fwd

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 7

Part 1

Warm-up Exercises

Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track (either with after a pause or when still walking fwd).  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace.  Exit in parallel system.
Flores Negras

This week we will
Side step into Fwd Ocho in parallels system
Side step turn into 4 track – backwards in the line of dance.
Then look at
Walking skills
– In and out of 3 track
– Traspie
Close Embrace

Side step into Fwd Ocho in parallel system
Same start as with the full half turn.  Now step fwd with the left foot inside the Flwr’s trailing leg.
Ldr needs to put more torsion into the Flwr’s spine, so that her hips make a half turn.
You can repeat but best not to do too many.
Make sure your keep forming the triangle else the move will deteriorate.
To finish the Ldr ensures that that there is less torsion in Flwr’s spine.
Noviecita Mia
Fumando Espero

Side step into half turn (into 4 track) so that Ldr exits walking backwards (so do this such that the backward step is in the line of dance).
There is no pivot on the left foot.  Ldr steps slight fwd and pivots 180 on their right foot.
IMPORTANT – small changes in the foot work make a big difference to the outcome of the move.
Ojos Negros

Return to 2 track still walking backwards in the line of dance.
As the Ldr steps back with their right foot remove dissociation and invite partner back into 2 track.
Flwr = left foot touches the inside of the Ldr’s left foot.
Nido Gaucho

On next step, Ldr turns to invite a side step but shifts his weight immediately back onto the right foot and pivots.
Flwr does side step and a pivot (half turn) so both end up in 3 track
Ldr pivots on their right foot but uses left foot to help them turn.
El Ingienero

Exit with the cross in three track

Part 2

Walking Skills
Getting in and out of 3 track
Usually do this from a side step but there are other ways….

Open embrace
Walk in 2 Track – Counter Rotation.
Ldr steps with RIGHT foot into 4 track but steps behind with the left foot and makes a silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr).
Ldr = Need this weight change to be as silent as possible.  When crossing behind bring the feet side by side and lift the heel of the front foot.
Walk in 3 track on the open side of the embrace – No Counter rotation while in 3 track.
To get back into 2 track the Ldr collects with the RIGHT leg and makes silent weight change (single time so pause for the Flwr)
Or Ldr can cross the right foot behind the left.
Tormenta Di Sarli

Walking Skills
This year we’ll look at various ways to include double time into the walk.
Start with the Traspie

Upper body does NOT rock fwd and back. Rather it moves fwd, pauses, then -moves fwd again.
Feet – QQS rhythm
Step – drop – push.
Ldr = In order to drop the back foot can move back a couple of inches.

Walk and include the Traspie from time to time (both sides).
Hotel Victoria
Milonga Sentimental

Close Embrace

Correct Posture!!!
Revise Side step to L and R
Invite, accompany and arrive together
Vary the length of the side step.
De Que Podemos Hablar

Side step to L
Ldr places inside of right foot against inside of Flwr’s right foot, so that feet form a “sandwich”.
This type of “foot-play” is easier in Close Embrace and adds to the sense of intimacy.
Side step to R and  make a sandwich with the L foot.
Bahia Blanca

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 6

Part 1

Warm-up exercises

Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system. Execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace.  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

This week we revised…
Side step into 1/4 turn
Side step into 1/2 turn
Side step into Fwd Ocho in parallels system

Then look at
Side step 1/2 turn into 4 track – backwards in the line of dance.
Close Embrace

Side step into 1/4 turn
Ldr = side step left but drop right hip and shoulder back, collect then opens up the space for the Flwr.  Then pivots (1/4),
change weight onto right foot, exit fwd step left.
Side step normal vs side step with a little rotation.
Vida Mia

Side step into 1/2 turn
Same start but this time Ldr’s right foot steps inside the trailing leg of the Flwr as she takes her fwd step.
Get a much bigger turn
Ldr makes an 1/8 pivot on the left foot, then right foot should point fwd then pivot and turn on the right foot
Make a triangle between Ldr’s standing foot and Flwr’s feet in the mid-step
Tormenta Di Sarli

Side step into Fwd Ocho in parallel system
Same start as with the full half turn.  Now step fwd with the left foot inside the Flwr’s trailing leg.
Ldr needs to put more torsion into the Flwr’s spine, so that here hips make a half turn.
You can repeat but best not to do too many.
Make sure your keep forming the triangle else the move will deteriorate.
To finish,  Ldr ensures that that there is less torsion in Flwr’s spine.
Noviecita Mia
Fumando Espero

Side step into half turn (into 4 track) so that Ldr exits walking backwards (so do this such that the backward step is in the line of dance)
There is no pivot on the left foot.  Ldr steps slight fwd and pivots 180 on their right foot.
IMPORTANT – small changes in the foot work make a big difference to the outcome of the move.
Ojos Negros

Return to 2 track still walking backwards in the line of dance.
As Ldr step back with their right foot remove dissociation and invite partner back into 2 track.
Flwr = left foot touch inside of Ldr’s left foot.
Nido Gaucho

Part 2

On next step, Ldr turns to invite a side step but shifts their weight immediately back onto their right foot and pivots.
Flwr does side step and a pivot (half turn) so both end up in 3 track
Ldr pivots on their right foot and uses left roof to help them turn.
El Ingienero

Exit with the cross in three track

Close Embrace

Correct Posture!!!
Revise Side step to L and R
Invite, accompany and arrive together
Vary the length of the side step.
De Que Podemos Hablar

Side step to L
Ldr places inside of right foot against inside of Flwr’s right foot, so that feet form a “sandwich”.
This type of “foot-play” is easier in Close Embrace and adds to the sense of intimacy.
Side step to R and  make a sandwich with the L foot.
Bahia Blanca

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 5

Part 1

Warm-up exercises

Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track (either with after a pause or when still walking fwd).  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace (that we have been doing for the last couple of weeks).  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

We revised the exercises we did in week 4 – half turns and backward ochos with some footplay added on (see last week’s notes for detail).

Part 2

From the paused backward ocho, into the foot sandwich, we looked at one more option – a barrida

Exercise 5
Ldr steps fwd and to the left with his left foot, and invites (with his chest) the Flwr into a cross (with feet slightly apart tho).  Ldrs right foot accompanies the Flwrs.
LDRS = It may look as tho you are  pushing your partners foot but this is an illusion.  Accompany instead. This known as a barrida.
By moving the chest it is possible to slide the touching feet “back and forth” before finally exiting.
Fumando Espero

We also talked about when and when not to introduce pauses for this kind of foot-play

Treat foot-play like a fine spice – do not apply too liberally.  Make it the cherry on top of the cake – not the cake misture.

There are no rules…..
Do not pause for foot-play when the music is rhythmic and urging you to be walking but instead when there is just slow melody.

Most tracks are a combination of rythym and melody so we listened out for the breaks in the rhythym in this track – Vida Mia.
0-34 secs and
1.24-1.58 mins/sec

We talked about dancing in Close Embrace, which is one of the things we will do in year 2 (for those who want to explore it)

Open Embrace (OE) vs Close Embrace (CE)
Some steps (that you may learn in the future) are more suited to OE and don’t really work in CE
Many steps (that you have already learned) need adapting in order to work in CE.
In general CE requires far more precision in your technique – which takes time.
CE is well suited to dancing simple steps with more rhythmic variation e.g. Milonga (the connection being so much more immediate)

What you gain with CE is a far more intimate experience with your partner and with the music.

And it is because it is so intermate that we want to stress that …..

CE is not Compulsory – its your choice whether to dance OE or CE
Not at all
With your own partner only
With people you know already
For some songs but not others
For part of a dance

CE is not something either party should insist upon and not something that should be questioned.

Use your social skills to guage the situation and don’t be offended or show offence if you your partner does not wish to dance in CE with you.

CE is something that may take time to become comfortable with.

It may be something to avoid if you are very different shapes and sizes.  I do not dance CE with Flwrs who are much taller than me because….
a) I cannot see ahead to navigate
b) it’s a little embrassing for obvious reasons
c) I cannot lead well with my centre of balance being below that of the Flwr

But when you chose to dance in CE you must commit to it – no half way house.

This coming half term we will only look at walking in CE.  After X-mas we demo all steps in OE and  CE.

Finding the connection in close embrace

Remember back to the very first lesson

Finger tip to finger tip

Soften knees and ankles and bring weight forward onto the ball of the foot.

Do not learn on each other – must still be supporting ourselves.

Connection on/off – weight change in sync

For CE Ldrs and Flwr stand closer (about a foot’s width between toes).

Ldr and Flwr both raise their left arm (elbow at shoulder height)

soften knees and ankles and bring weight forward onto the ball of the foot.

Do not learn on each other – must still be supporting ourselves.

Connection on/off – weight change in sync

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 4

Part 1

Warm-up exercises
Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track (either with after a pause or when still walking fwd).  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace.  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negras

This week  we will  combine a bit of revision of half turns and Ochos with some footplay added on.

Revise half turn on the closed side of the embrace
Use the rock step to make a smooth change of firection
Ldr must dissociate to invite Flwr into 4 track on the closed side of the embrace.
Flwr should follow leaders chect and take that extra side step if it feels like the right thing to do.
El Dia Que Me Quieras

Exercise 2
As above but now
Ldr places the inside of his right foot inside the Flwrs right foot (empty step – no weight on it)
Timing (better late than early) Ldr should place his foot as Flwr completes her side step.

As above then Ldr invites the Flwr back onto their right foot (sandwich).  Ldrs weight is pretty much distributed between both feet (We still have options open to us so Flwrs should not assume what is coming next e.g. Ldr could take his weight to front foot turn 180 and end up in cross system).

Ldr  twists the torso and drops the whole body down a little and taking the weight a little more onto left leg.  Flwr mirrors this and twists, softens the knees and tucks left foot into the Ldrs ankle.
Milonguero Viejo

Ldr invites the Flwr to step over (Flwrs = DO NOT DO THIS AUTOMATICALLY!) by straigtening the left foot and transfering weight towards front foot (which lifts the body) and rotating to the left a little.
No need to rush.  Allow time  for a little footplay should the mood take you.

Exit – Ldr opens up the space to his left and invites the Flwr to step around him.
Bahia Blanca

Start as above but Ldr leads the Flwr into a Fwd Ocho rather than a half turn – all in the timing!
Before the Flwr has pivoted the Ldr placess the outside of his right foot against the outside of the Flwrs right foot.  It is important that the Flwr feels the foot tocuh before she pivots and her left leg preps the next step (else they can easily trip).
Ldr drops a little and so does the Flwr – soften knees and tuck feet into the Ldrs ankle.
Exit is the same but (as Flwr right foot is also inside the Ldrs right foot, this suggests a little secada).
No Me Pregunten Por Que

Exit as above but lead another Ocho and Ldr places left foot to outside of Flwrs left foot (mirror image of above).
Noviecita Mia

Part 2

Revise Backward Ocho

Now when on left foor, the Ldr turns his upper body to the right and places the inside of his left foot on the outside of his partner’s left foot.

Ldr leads the Flwr such that their weight is on both feet.  He then places the inside of his left foot against the inside of the Flwr’s left foot (sandwich)
Hotel Victoria

Following on from the above.there are a number of nice options

Ldr steps back with his right foot and invites his partner forward.  With no turn in the upper body, the Flwr should come step straight forward and sandwich the Ldrs left foot (can go back and forth)
La Estancia

Ldr steps back with his right foot and invites his partner forward.  This time the Ldr turns his upper body anti-clockwise.  If mirrored by the Flwr this should result in them tucking their right foot into the Ldrs left anckle.
Ext as per the previous exercises with Flwr steeping over and then around the Ldr.
Novia Provinciana

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 3

As Chris and Val were away and we were being joined by Marcello and Mike, this week’s lesson was pretty much a rerun of the previous lesson (see Week 2 Notes).

However, we did go on to do a variation on the Ocho Cortado.

Begin with a rock step to invite the Flwr into 4 track.
Ldr steps back with the left foot as Flwr steps fwd with her right foot.
Note that Ldr’s left foot does not turn.
Ldr opens up right foot 90 degrees (left heel rises) and leads Flwr into a side step – weight in the middle.
Ldr turns upper body anti-clockwise and closes right foot 90 degrees (left heel falls) and Flwr responds by crossing.
Both Ldr and Flwr execute a cross and transfer their weight to their left foot (at the same time)
Exit in cross system.
No Te Aguanto Mas

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 2

Part 1

Year 2 warm-up routine.

Warm-up exercises

Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track (either with after a pause or when still walking fwd).  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

This week we will
Side step Qtr Turn
Side Step Half Turn
Look at Side Step into Fwd Ocho in parallel system
Revise half turn on closed side of the embrace,
Look at the Ocho Cortado

Side step Qtr Turn
See last week’s notes

Side Step Half Turn
See last week’s notes

Exercise 3
Side Step into Fwd Ocho in parallel system
Make triangle between Ldr’s standing foot and Flwr’s feet in the mid-step
Make sure your keep forming the triangle else the Ocho will deteriorate.
Tormenta Di Sarli

Part 2

Revision of half turn on the closed side of the embrace.

Finger tip to finger tip.
Rock and change direction – smooth

Half turn on the closed side of the embrace.
Walk fwd and use the rock step to change direction.  Ldr uses dissociation to lead the Flwr alongside into 4 Track.
Ldr must move weight back to the right leg to invite the Flwr to take the fwd step.
Once alongside, Ldr moves his weight to the front foot.  Remember “feet nailed to the floor” – use the hips to move weight to the left leg.

Which leg the Flwr completes the turn on depends on which space is offered by the Ldr – it is led, so doen’t ave any preconceptions.
Ldr can change weight (or not) before moving on.  So regardless of which foot the Flr ends up on, exit in parallel or cross system is always possible.
Pobre Yo (Tango)

Ocho Cortado
Begin with a rock step to invite the Flwr into 4 track.
Ldr steps back with the left foot as Flwr steps fwd with her right foot.
Note that Ldr’s left foot does not turn.
Ldr opens up right foot 90 degrees (left heel rises) and leads Flwr into a side step – weight in the middle.
Ldr turns upper body anti-clockwise and closes right foot 90 degrees (left heel falls) and Flwr responds by crossing.
Flwrs only change weight when Ldr changes weight to their right foot.
Comme Il faut

Tango Fundamentals Course – Year 2, Term 1, Week 1

Part 1

Year 2 warm-up routine.
Aim is to do exercises that more directly relate to the moves we do in Tango.

Warm-up exercises

Walk in parallel system – execute the half turn on the closed side of the embrace.  Exit in parallel system.  Repeat after one step.
Flores Negros

Walk in 2 track.  Check step and side step into 4 track (either with after a pause or when still walking fwd).  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.
Ojos Negros

Get into 3 track from side step silent weight change.  Return to 2 track by leading the cross.

This week we will
Look at 2 ways to do half turns on the closed side of the embrace
Side step Qtr Turn
Side Step Half Turn

Exercise 1
Open Embrace
Walk fwd and steps into 4 track, leading Flwr into back step and side step (around not 90 degrees).   Note Fwrs right foot must clear Ldrs right foot
Ldr must now crease the hip on the standing leg to invite the Flwr to take the fwd step.

Exercise 2
Following on from the previous exercise to complete an half turn….
Ldr and Flwr rotate around each other.  Ldr shifts weight to the front leg (pivot on the right foot).  Flwr pivots and ends up on their left foot.
Timing is crucial else Flwr will step on Ldrs left foot.  As soon as the invitation fwd is understood the Ldr needs to start moving their weight and their foot.
Pobre Yo (Tango)

Exercise 3
The 1/2 turn is best completed over 2 bars (time for Ldr to complete his pivot and then to pause).
Nice to do this at the end of a musical phrase.
Tus Palabras Y La Noche

Exercise 4

1/2 turn variation
Ldr steps behind
This has an entirely different dynamic as the 1/2 turn is completed by the 3rd beat, leaving the 4th as a pause.
Ldrs Footwork
La Melodia De Nuestro Adios

Exercise 5
Now extend by one step to do a 360 degree Giro, coming out in 4-track in the line of dance.

Ldrs Footwork = RLR (QQS) L(S)
Flwr take extra side step and pivot.  Exit with Ldr with a back step.
OK to puase once the pivot has been completed before setting off again (nice in fact)
La Melodia
A La Grand Muneca

Part 2

Exercise 6
Split Lds and Flws to do foot work
Flw side step, fwd step and pivot.
Lds side step, pivot, fwd step.
Aiming to pivot a 1/4 on the left foot then change weight to the right foot.

Exercise 7
Bring together.
Now we have to adjust to make this work together.
Flws hold leaders arms
Set-up the next step during the side step.
Via Mida

Exercise 8
Ldr invites partner to his left by opening up the space.
Flw takes her fwd step around the Ldr.

Exersise 9
Same start but this time Ldrs right foot steps inside the trailing leg of the Flwr as she takes her fwd step.
Get a much bigger turn

Aiming for a 1/8 pivot on the left foot, then right foot should point fwd then pivot and turn on the right foot
Tormenta Di Sarli