We will try and insert useful videos here to help people learn and appreciate good technique.
Almost every step in tango is made up of 3 elements (leader invites, lady accepts, both commit) this is clearly evident in this video. He invites with his body, she accepts by projecting her foot slightly but promptly back, he then steps into the space she has vacated and commits them both to the full length of the stride. Note the clear delay between her projecting her foot back and him stepping forward. This is worth practising so that it becomes second nature.
At 25 seconds his step forward is dramatic and highlights that she steps first and he follows:
Ladies’ walk:
This video is progressive so watch until the end otherwise you will only have half the story.
Walking and Stillness
Dancing slowly but with meaning makes this dance. This requires a careful walk (see 40 secs) with a continuous connection, the lady’s prompt movement and the man’s delayed step forward. The slow movements require a constant dialogue between the dancers to stay together plus working the standing leg hard.
Ladies styling:
Lots of smooth controlled sacdas from Homer and Christina
Interpreting the Music:
Calitos and Noelia hear every beat in the music and dance to every one, allbeit no doubt with some serious rehearsal beforehand.
Yoga Foot and Ankle Exercises for balancing on one foot:
Dance Floor Skills:
Some thought provoking words on ‘What does a Lady Want in a Dance‘.
Milonga Rhythms:
This video shows different rhythms, note that any one piece of music will contain these rhythms at different times and sometimes even at the same time with each instrument and the voice using different rhythms. The leader is free to pick the rhythms they wish to dance to, so different leaders may hear different things and dance differently. If in doubt dance the simplest rhythm that you can hear.
Milonga Technique and Footwork for Ladies:
Some Basic Tips:
Some tips on the basics of connection, embrace, leading, following etc. To be read and considered by all levels. http://mshedgehog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/thirteen-tango-terms-for-beginners.html